Coaching Contract Form
The following form can be completed individually by the coachee and the sponsor or else completed together by the coachee, sponsor, and/or coach.
Completing this coaching contract form sets some fundamental expectations and boundaries which will enable the coaching process to work really well.
Characteristics of the Coaching Relationship
1. Confidentiality
Your coach will not disclose the identity of the coachee, any information that would identify them as a client or any details of our work together without the permission of the coachee. I would encourage the coachee to tell people they trust that they are working with a coach and to share what we are working on. Clients who invite colleagues, family and friends into these conversations often receive a lot more from the coaching process.
Similarly, as a coach, I will not disclose any details of the coaching sessions with the sponsor unless the coachee has given me permission to do so. A key component in having a three way conversation at the outset is to discuss the terms and expectations of confidentiality across all three partners, coachee, sponsor, and coach.
2. Accountability
The coachee is ultimately accountable to themselves and my role as a coach is to help them to fulfil any commitments that they make . However, it also important that we honour the commitments we make to each other, such as agreeing to be on time and to being prepared for each coaching session.
3. Honesty
It is important that we can be honest with each other within a caring and appreciative coaching environment. As coach, I will seek to always speak to you with the utmost level of professionalism and respect and will at times speak candidly in order to be as helpful as possible. I hope that, as our coaching relationship develops, the coachee will feel the freedom to be similarly candid with me.
Three Way Coaching Contract Questions